I am back from my wonderful holiday and ready to go for term 4. If you are keen to learn a new skill or you are looking for something new for your children, check out the timetable below for class availability.
Weekly Adult Classes
Tuesday 10:00-12:00 places available Tuesday 1:00-3:00 places available
Wednesday 6:00-8:00 places available
Thursday 9:30-11:30 booked out
Thursday 4:30 - 6:30 (older teens)
Weekly Children's Classes
Monday 4:00 - 5:30 places available
Tuesday 4:30 - 6:00 booked out
Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00 booked out
5:15 - 6.15 booked out
Saturday 9:30 - 11:00 places available
11:30- 1:00 booked out
1:30- 3:00 booked out
3:30- 5:30 booked out
Children's Birthday Parties
After school and during the holidays - 3.5 hour workshops