Over the last month I have experienced a bit of a reality check. I went from getting up at 6.15 most mornings for a walk at the beach, fully involved in family life, running my much loved business and working a placement at Holmesglen Fashion, to getting up one morning, unable to take a step without excruciating pain from a bulging disk. I spent a week in hospital and then rehab taking more medication than I thought a body could cope with. I became dependent on my very supportive family and friends, had to leave my job and cancel my soul stitches classes, which was a little heartbreaking for me. I have been unable to drive and have had plenty of time for some soul searching and learning how to take it all slower, and i have discovered Netflix! I am now trying to continue to improve with an exercise program, reducing the medication, and getting back to teaching my classes.

I just wanted to say thank you to all my beautiful students and their parents for the flowers and cards and words of encouragement. Thank you

I am now looking at starting term 4 from Monday the 5th November -better late than never!

The classes I will be running are listed below, please let me know if you would like more information regarding dates and fees.

Monday 4.15-5.45 teenage class – booked out

Monday 7.00-9.00 adult class

Tuesday 1.00-3.00 adult class

Tuesday 4.30-6.00 teenage class– booked out

Wednesday 5.00-6.30 teenage class – booked out

Thursday 4.00-5.30 teenage class

Saturday am 10.00-11.30 teenage class – booked out

Saturday pm workshops for teenagers 12.00 – 3.30 pm

  • 5th November – booked out

  • 12th November – booked out

  • 3rd December

  • 10th December
